Nokia Lumia 1020 available for pre-order in Germany

Nokia Lumia 1020 available for pre-order in GermanyTwo German retailers have started accepting pre-orders for the Nokia Lumia 1020. Both are pricing the latest Windows Phone powered Nokia smartphone for € 799 ($1044 USD). The two retailers are Notebooksbilliger and Nullprozentshop. At the latter store, those pre-ordering the phone can pay monthly installments of €66.58 ($87 USD). At  Notebooksbilliger, the phone can be purchased for € 249 ($325 USD) with a signed contract from carriers like Vodafone, O2 and T-Mobile Germany.

According to the retailer's websites, a delivery date for the phone has not yet been determined. In the U.S., where the phone will be first available as an exclusive at AT&T, the Nokia Lumia 1020 will be $299 for the 32GB variant with a signed two-year version. Pre-orders will start this coming Tuesday with shipments arriving on July 26th.

Source: Phone Arena
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