Speaking to GameSpot, Ubisoft senior vice president of marketing and sales Tony Key said that the commercial and critical success of Far Cry 3 has ensured a sequel. "We’re totally psyched from [Far Cry 3]. It’s a great brand, and now it’s got the recognition it deserves, so we’re clearly going to make another one: more on that soon."
Far Cry 3 launched in late 2012, and was developed primarily by Ubisoft Montreal. The open-world FPS was set on a tropical island and revolved around its protagonist, Jason Brody, becoming increasingly unhinged after his friends are kidnapped by pirates. GameSpot awarded the game a 9.0 in its review.
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, a digital, 80s themed spin-off, was released earlier this year to further sales success. And an entry for a Far Cry HD, with Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 platforms specified, popped up in a Brazilian classification listing (spotted by VG Leaks) back in May.
Key also spoke about the current appetite for the open-world genre, saying that he believes today's gamers want fewer linear experiences. Many of Ubisoft's current releases incorporate elements of open world into their design, with Key saying that "I think open world can represent the future of, you know, gaming, and that’s where we’re investing huge portions of our resources--because we believe that that is what consumers want."
"They don’t want linear; they want open [world]," he continued. While Key did add that "there’s always going to be a place for linear experiences," he said Ubisoft was particularly capable at making large-scale, open-ended games.
Finally, Key told anyone hoping for a new Prince of Persia title on consoles to remain patient. "Prince of Persia, it’s got a really strong legacy with Ubisoft and it’s still there. We have nothing to announce, but, you know, we haven’t sold it off or given it away, so be patient. I know that’s hard!"
Source: GameSpot