Features on certain iDevices on IOS 7

iOS 7 brings a plethora of new upgrades and improvements, and is by Apple's own admission the largest update since the introduction of the operating system. It introduced many features like camera filters, AirDrop cloud sharing, as well as updates to Siri and the new iTunes Radio.
Unfortunately, not all Apple devices will be getting the latest and greatest from Apple, and many of the older iDevices that are getting it, won't be getting the full set of features.
To help you quickly identify what you'll be getting on your iPhone, iPad or iPod, we've got a handy table that lets you see everything at a glance.
Updated SiriiTunes RadioAirDropPanoramaSquarephotosCamera filtersPhoto filters
iPhone 4
iPhone 4S
iPhone 5
iPod touch 5G
iPad 2
iPad 3
iPad 4
iPad mini
As you can see, the iPad 2 has the fewest supported features, only getting iTunes Radio, while the iPhone 4 gets that plus square photos and filters. It seems that 4S owners will have to do without AirDrop and camera filters, and none of the iPads will be supporting Panorama shooting modes.
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